
Where to buy Currency?

Where to buy currency? Where to buy currency?

Many travelers are surprised at the range and type of currency accepted in Turkey, however unless you use the Turkish Lira for purchases the exchange rate is in the hands of the vendor. For that reason exchange to and insist on paying in lira---just bring a small amount of lira with you to get you started (40-50€ worth) and then change the rest in the resort as you need it. The rates are always better here than outside the country. Banks and the post office(PTT) offer the best exchange rate followed by change offices and lastly hotels . Also many bars and restaurants offer to change money for their customers too.

You can also use the many ATM's (they have an English menu) but ask your bank how much they take in charges as this can mount up and also let them know you are going on holiday so they don't block your card under suspicion of being stolen

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