
Interesting facts about Turkey from Archaeologous

** Wine production was as early as 4,000 B.C. in Anatolia, the western area of Turkey.·

** Among all the Muslim countries, Turkey is the only secular Muslim country.

** Turkey has the most valuable silk carpet in the world. It has 144 knots per “square  centimeter which total four million knots in total!!!”  In the 13th century, Marco Polo wrote “the best and handsomest of rugs are woven here (in Turkey), and also silks of crimson and other rich colors”.  It can be found today at the Konya’s Meylana Museum, also burial place of Rumi, founder of the whirling dervishes. 

** The average height of terrain in Turkey is 6,000 feet, physically it is one of the highest countries in the world.

The famous Anatolia wine region of Turkey